Saturday, March 27, 2010

Volunteers Tackle Ambitious Agenda

As kids we learned, "March comes in like a lion, and out like a lamb." Today's cold March wind proved otherwise. However, in a battle between the spirit of our volunteers and the weather, we'll call it a tie. :-)

Our first official workday was beyond successful. Aside from the physical progress we made in the garden, several new friendships were cultivated. Who could ask for anything more?
Agenda items completed:

* Ed, Linda, Cortez, Freddie, Peggy and John carried wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow of mulch between the beds where Bev, Sue, Sharon, and Gail raked it all out evenly
* Brian, Larry, Martin and Keith dug holes for the posts for entryway posts and blackberry posts
* Dwayne and Larry constructed the 4x4 herb communal herb bed and the last raised bed
* Martin and John finished the last 2 pieces of screen in the compost bin
* Sue and Bev helped plant lettuce and onions in the sponsors' plots
* Bev helped neighbor kids plant onions in one of the children's plot.
* The crew replanted 4 hedges and mulched that entire line.

* Several gardeners were impressed by Julia's square foot gardening guides in her plot, and were inspired to do try their own this spring. (If anyone is interested in more details of square foot gardening please email me for more information.)

* Special thanks to Bev for feeding our hungry volunteers. Everyone raved about her taco salad, orange slices, and brownies. Word has it Ed had 4 helpings of salad, and the brownies disappeared quickly.

It's hard to believe that a year ago this "little garden that could" was an overgrown and abandoned lot. We should *ALL* be proud of what we have accomplished, and excited about the potential in the years ahead!

Picture of the lot from mid-April 2009:

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