Friday, March 26, 2010

First Official Workday for 2010

Fellow Gardeners,

The last Saturday of March is upon us, which means our first formal group garden workday! Mother Nature has tried to dampen our spirits today by reminding us how fickle spring weather can be, but the weather man
says Saturday will be cloudy and a high of 62 with little to no chance of rain!

What will be doing?

- We have a fresh pile of nice hardwood chips (thank you Sanders Tree Service!) to spread in the orchard and in between the raised beds, we need 3" of depth.

- The City delivered a load of mulch that we can put down around the hedges.

- We will construct the herb bed and one last raised garden bed to square things off.

- Finish 2 pieces of screen in the last compost bin.

- We plan to finish the garden posting sign so we can post all our flyers and important data.

- The water line to the strawberries needs to be installed.

- We will be digging the holes and setting the posts for the gates and the tool shed.

- And you can plant in your beds!! We have some free plants left (onion sets, broccoli, lettuce, and a few cabbage plants.) If you can find brussels sprouts, herbs, or other sets they can go in now also.

It is a good time to plant the following seeds: leaf lettuce, spinach, radish, carrots, peas, beets, scallions, and turnips.
What to bring: Shovels, rakes, & hand tools for your bed work and a friend!!

Bev Walker will providing lunch (yeah Bev!) and we would like to hear from the rest of you which date you would be interested in providing lunch. You can pick from any of the open dates below. We have a grill if you need it, and bottled water is always supplied by the garden.

March 27 - Bev Walker
April 24 - Peggy Carson
May 29 - Sue Odell
June 26 - Available
July 31 - Available
August 28 - Available
September 25 - Larry Robinett
October 30 - Available

Your Garden Coordinators,
Larry & Heather

1 comment:

  1. We will bring lunch on July 31. Pie will be on the menu. By the way, when are the dates you need deserts for Zion? We can help out with those too!
    -Heidi & Martin Menke
