Saturday, June 21, 2014

June Garden Workday - Partnering with FCSP

This hot and sunny morning we were joined by 5 participants from the Ferguson Community Service Project. (  Weeds have grown just as well as our vegetables have, so several of us spent the day clearing those out of the orchard, the communal garden beds, and the strawberry beds. With the extra help, we got a little closer to completing our garden shed. Some day it will be completely finished!

The plants have gotten so big so fast this year. Some of the zucchini leaves are 12" wide! Melon and squash plants are doing much better this year than they have the last several years. The corn that we planted on Mother's Day weekend is coming up nicely, and tomato and pepper plants are quite healthy. The critters have nibbled more this year than in previous years, so several of our gardeners have put fencing around their beds. They seem to have a preference for broccoli and Brussels sprouts plants over anything else. Strange critters indeed.

Thank you to our extra help as well as our heat-tolerant volunteers for making this work day so successful. The garden looks great!