Saturday, May 10, 2014

Mother's Day Fun at the Garden!

Today we held our annual Spring Children's Day in the garden. The weather was perfect, and loads of kids showed up to decorate a pot and plant a flower for Mom. The kids then helped plant the community tomato bed, pepper bed, and the squash/zucchini and cucumber bed. Many of the fruits and vegetables were doing well in the garden, and the kids got to identify the baby plants growing. Fact: Baby grapes are cute!

Several volunteers spent the morning tilling a good-sized area, and staked and string-lined the rows for corn. The kids got to help plant the corn, popcorn, cantaloupe, watermelon and eggplant in that area. They definitely worked up a good appetite for lunch!

Thank you to all our volunteers (big and small!) for continuing a great tradition: growing community, friendships, knowledge and plants in the Old Ferguson West Community Garden!!!