Sunday, July 29, 2012

July Garden Work Day

After cancelling June's work day due to 100+ temperatures, we enjoyed a modest break in the temperatures to spruce up our community garden. We're grateful that we have a water source that has helped with the almost non-existent rain and very high temperatures this summer. Sadly though the heat has taken its toll on several veggies.

We spent the morning weeding around the garden. Weeds apparently love the heat and don't mind the dry weather. We all noticed that ants have been crawling on vegetables that we haven't seen before. Apparently the drought has forced them to seek alternate water sources. Anybody know a good rain dance?

We ended a little early and enjoyed a salad-themed potluck. Thank you to everyone that braved the heat and here's hoping for a little rain and a "regular" summer for the next couple of months!!